On 7th October the Vineta Pavilion No. 1 opened its doors to its final exhibition place in Venice, on the island San Pietro di Castello. The exhibition space, which is located next to the Catalan Pavilion, is quite different from our gallery rooms here in Berlin. The black paint of the brick walls, the closeness to the water and the regional context of Venice and its history let the myth of the sunken city Vineta appear even more concrete. – And for all those who can not make it to Venice until the 3rd November – here are some photos of the exhibition.

View at the bridge at the end of the Via Garibaldi

Entrance to the Vineta Pavilion, in the back the Catalan Pavilion

Hartmut Stockter, The Underwater Immigration Office

Hartmut Stockter, The Underwater Immigration Office

left: Johanna Rossbach, Vineta leaving Leaving Vineta & Reflection on Uncertainty // right: Mette Juul, Learning as an Aspect Changing Practice

Detail: Johanna Rossbach & Mette Juul

in the front: Peter Johansson, To hell with the family // in the back, left side: Eduard Bigas, The best of all possible worlds & Somewhere between Mars and Pompeii // in the back, right side: Frank Busk, Vineta, lost in the past