Stay safe & see you soon! <3

Eine persönliche Audiobegleitung des Künstlers Yosifu zu seiner Ausstellung „Echolot Pazifik“. Die dazu gehörenden Nummern finden Sie am Kunstwerk oder auch in der Werklist bzw. Preisliste.

pic 1"The voice of Prayer from the mountain"
3"Happy hours"
4"Purple tears"
5"Listen to your heart"
6"Blue tears"
7"The sound of the sea"
8"Mark and glory"
10"Proud of Who I am"
11"The last tree"
13"I hear myself"
14"The secret of the sun"
15"Laugh you two"
16"Now is your time"
18"Is nice have tree"
19"Ranging Fire"
21"Daughter of the pacific"
22-23-24"The Secret Garden of the Pacific / Pink-Blue-Yellow"
25"My summer memorie"
26"Hear the sound of the harvest"
27"Hear the sound of the flowers blooming"
28"Embrace your true colours"
29"Flying seeds"
30"Hear the wind singing"
31-32-33"Three blessings from the mother of the Pacific/ Noble-Love- Passion"
36"The wind blowing across the Pacific Ocean"
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